The Office of the Registrar, Classroom Scheduling, coordinates approximately 300 university classrooms. Our purpose is to meet the needs for the schedule of courses and maximize classroom utilization for such. Since regularly scheduled classes do not utilize the rooms entirely, special reservations will be taken for times when the rooms are not in use, subject to building hours and the University policy on Use of Facilities approved by Central Administration. Further detail can be found in Part V, Chapter 35, of The University of Iowa Operations Manual.
These procedures will be used by this office to determine the use of classroom facilities and to prescribe other conditions controlling the use of facilities.
Cancellation and Right to Recall
Classroom Scheduling should be notified immediately if the scheduled room(s) is no longer required so allocation of the space may be granted to alternate users.
Reservation cancellations must be submitted within two business days prior to your event date. If cancellation notice is submitted after two business days, custodial fees may be charged to your department or organization, if applicable to your event.
Any special event reservation processed prior to the third week of either fall or spring semester will be scheduled with the right to recall. However, unforeseen classroom emergencies that may arise will override this policy granting Classroom Scheduling authority to redistribute classroom assignments as necessary. This stipulation is placed on all events to ensure university classroom space availability for the schedule of courses which has the priority placement within these facilities.
The user will be notified as soon as possible if the event must be relocated to alternate classroom accommodations. If no university classroom space is available, Classroom Scheduling will assist in locating other campus facilities for the relocated event.
Misrepresentation of information may result in the cancellation of this event and the revocation of further scheduling privileges.
Classroom Access
Classroom Scheduling will notify the appropriate office at least 48 hours in advance of an event when special access requirements for classrooms or buildings are required. For any access problems to classrooms during daytime hours, Monday-Friday, contact Classroom Scheduling.
If the building or classroom entrance is on hard-key lock and not unlocked appropriately for an approved after-hours event, contact the Department of Public Safety at 319-335-5022.
If the building or classroom entrance is on electronic lock and not unlocked appropriately for an approved after-hours event, contact Work Control Center at 319-335-5071.
You may be required to show validation of the event confirmation to staff personnel before the room is unlocked.
Classroom Scheduling’s event management practices provides faculty and staff access to academic buildings and university classrooms whenever necessary during non-business hours, i.e., weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and during session breaks. However, on rare occasion the user may find the automatic electronic programming of the facility to be delayed or fail completely during non-business hours. This can be troublesome to resolve quickly during these non-business time frames. Users should be aware the electronic access will be provided precisely at the time designated on the user’s confirmation not any earlier. Please be aware, any costs incurred for after-hours electronic building/classroom access will be charged to your department if last minute unlock/relock time adjustments are requested during non-business hours. Please insure appropriate set up and tear down time has been applied to your reservation.
Consequently, Classroom Scheduling grants faculty and staff backup access on their Iowa One Card that is programmed to span his or her special event date(s) to approved/scheduled university classrooms and academic buildings operational on the AMAG systems. This is done at the request of the faculty or staff upon special event coordination with Classroom Scheduling. This courtesy access does not guarantee access to any facility especially in the case of a hardware/mechanical failure at the door or server glitch. Access expiration at the conclusion of the special event will occur. Card holders should not share their access cards or let unauthorized persons into locked buildings or classrooms using their access card.
Temporary electronic access can be provided to academic buildings in which university classrooms are housed only. Classroom Scheduling is unable to authorize permanent building entrance access to faculty or staff.
Students do not qualify for this special programming.
Faculty or staff who have an Iowa One Card may be granted access to the following entrances by Classroom Scheduling upon completion of special event processing.
- Main entrance(s) on the AMAG electronic lock system that coordinates to the building location of the special event approved by Classroom Scheduling
- University classroom(s) approved and scheduled by Classroom Scheduling
This access policy does not include students or student organization representatives.
Classroom Maintenance and Issues
Regular custodial servicing of the general assignment classrooms occurs after-hours during the late or overnight shifts. See policies referring to Costs, Fees, and Charges for departments; Costs, Fees, and Charges for student organizations; and/or Weekend Reservation Policies for further explanation.
Please contact Classroom Scheduling with any classroom concerns.
If the classroom is too hot or cold, please call Work Control Center at 319-335-5071.
Classroom chair shortages can be reported to Classroom Scheduling.
Report audio visual problems occurring during class-time on the classroom hotline and non-emergency technical problems to Learning Spaces Technology at 319-335-1976.
Eligibility and Conditions of Use
There are three categories of users eligible to use University facilities:
Primary users (academic or departmental activities)
University-affiliated, non-primary users (approved student organizations)
Non-University affiliated users (community non-profit organizations)
University facilities are dedicated to primary uses within the institution. Primary uses include established student, faculty, and staff activities which are part of the course of regular University business, including classroom activities, faculty and staff work and research activities, University committee meetings, regular meetings of University-wide student government, and other activities necessary to and part of the regular conduct of University business which occurs in space assigned for use during normal operating hours of the facility. Casual use means spontaneous use of University facilities for which there is no prior promotion, solicitation, or purposeful attempt to attract the public. Non-primary uses include all uses of University facilities which are neither primary uses nor casual uses.
Facilities can be reserved for other uses provided the uses are consistent with the University’s mission. The following are usages that meet this definition:
A. The proposed use is appropriately sponsored by an academic department, recognized student, staff, or faculty organization by the University, and is open to the University community.
- All student organizations which are recognized and part of Student Government or approved by Activities Board may use University facilities subject to the precedence of regular academic activity and to adherence to all applicable rules and regulations.
B. The proposed use contributes directly to the established academic program or the outreach efforts of the University which is academic or educational in nature.
C. The proposed use is for an activity/meeting that is NON-profit making in a commercial sense and does not involve the selling of commercial products or services to students or staff.
D. The proposed use must not conflict with any scheduled or anticipated primary uses.
- Non-University affiliated users must submit in writing any requests for use of facilities to the Office of the Registrar, stating the dates and times of the requested use.
- Reservations will be taken for special events for Non-University affiliated users subject to approval by the Office of the Registrar, the availability of facilities, and compliance of University policies governing the use of facilities.
E. Adequate space and support services must be available and use must meet all fire and safety codes and not present danger to persons or University facilities.
F. All users must make arrangements and provide proof that they have the ability to pay for any assessed charges for use of University facilities. These charges may include usage fees as well as required support services.
A. Recognized student organizations are to utilize suitable facilities when available in the Iowa Memorial Union.
B. Failure to obtain approval for the use of facilities or violations of applicable University regulations during use may result in the withdrawal of any future privilege of use.
C. Reservations ordinarily will not be made for the use of facilities on any official University Holiday. Under extraordinary circumstances, the Office of the Registrar may approve exceptions.
D. Approval for the use of facilities is final only upon payment of specified charges and/or damage deposit if required by the Office of the Registrar.
Fees and Costs
- All non-University affiliated users (non-UI departments and non-UI student organizations) will be charged rent for the use of university classroom space.
- In addition, all users will be charged for the direct out-of-pocket costs to the University resulting from use. Typically, these costs are billed as custodial charges.
- Effective April 8, 2009, Primary and University affiliated users will no longer be assessed rental charges for university classroom space usage.
- The Office of the Registrar may waive rental or custodial charges in special circumstances if the condition(s) warrant such a waiver.
- Space is reserved on an “as is” condition.
- Special requested set-ups such as stage arrangements or additional audio visual services will be charged to the user at actual cost. The user is responsible for making necessary arrangements with University service providers suggested by Classroom Scheduling.
- Outside vendors may be used only when approved by the University department providing oversight of the actual service; i.e., Classroom Technology Support.
- Vendor approval for audio visual services must be obtained by the user from the Manager of Classroom Technology Support prior to service contract arrangements.
All uses of space, whether University affiliated or not, whether for primary use or non-primary use, will be charged for any out of-pocket costs incurred by the University as a result of the use. Such costs are frequently but not always limited to custodial costs. In some cases, any costs incurred for after-hours electronic building/classroom access will be charged to your department. Please insure appropriate set up and tear down time has been applied to your reservation.
The Office of the Registrar may stipulate that specified services be provided in conjunction with certain uses if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the University. Costs for these services will be passed on to the users.
The user will be charged for the cost of any repairs to the facility resulting from misuse. The Office of the Registrar may specify and require a damage deposit payable prior to use if sufficient reason exists to suggest the likelihood of damage.
Additional charges based on an estimate of actual cost will be made for special technical set-ups, etc. Use of Macbride Hall Auditorium may result in audio visual technician fees if SUPPLEMENTARY support is needed after business hours. The equipment in this facility is specialized which requires experienced technical assistance based on an overtime rate schedule when used after-hours. All users will be required as part of their reservation to contact the technician suggested by Classroom Scheduling staff. Consultation with the technician will determine whether technical assistance service will be required or if other arrangements can be agreed upon.
Information for Instructors
The schedule of courses scheduling and allocation policy is listed under separate cover. Please contact the office at 319-335-0242 with any questions.
Classroom Scheduling will process course and event scheduling with 10 to 15 minutes intervals between sessions. This short intermission of time is intended to be shared between the instructors occupying the same classroom space for students’ questions or audio visual setups while allowing students to arrive to the next class in a timely fashion.
It is advised the instructor request a space reservation with the Office of the Vice President for Student Services by calling 319-335-3557. See Operations Manual, Part V, Chapter 37, Use of the Pentacrest.
Final examination information and policies can be found at the Office of the Registrar’s Website. All final examinations given in a university classroom must be secured through Classroom Scheduling. Please call 319-384-3263 or refer to the above website for further detail.
Smoking is prohibited on the University of Iowa campus.
Food and beverages shall be consumed in academic buildings ONLY in areas designated by the responsible department or collegiate unit and NOT within a university classroom.
University Classrooms are primarily teaching facilities. They are not considered entertainment venues. If an event involves performances, amplified music, dancing, talent shows, singing, etc., Classroom Scheduling will supply alternate contact information for UI departments that may allow such events.
Due to the sensitivity of the A/V equipment, dancing is not allowed on auditoria stages in University Classrooms.
Any sound (e.g., musical rehearsals or amplified sound) that is audible to those in contiguous classrooms is also prohibited.
All users of classrooms are expected to honor this policy.
Classroom Scheduling coordinates schedules for 300 university classrooms located on main campus. Reservations for these facilities can be made by web form (preferred), by email, or by phone at 319-335-1243. Users are not limited to use of the classroom or conference room pool for campus activities. In fact, we encourage the use of other University facilities based on administrative policy of the controlling department due to our primary scheduling function of the schedule of courses. Application for proposed uses should be made to the following departments.
- IMU, Danforth Chapel, and UI Outdoor facilities (including Pentacrest and Kautz Plaza): Event Services
- University Classrooms: Office of the Registrar
- All other University facilities: Facilities Management
In Part V, Chapter 35, of The University of Iowa Operations Manual, the following guidelines have been outlined and therefore incorporated in the operating procedures for Classroom Scheduling. The policy grants decisions regarding scheduling, space allocation, rates, facilities use, application deadlines, and all other matters relating to proposed uses of University facilities by non-primary users be made by the office to which application for use is made. Application for a proposed non-primary use that involves multiple University facilities may be made to the offices specified above.
In approving a proposed non-primary use, the office to which application is made may specify such conditions of the proposed use as is deemed advisable. An application may be denied for failure of the applicant to provide full and accurate information as requested.
Requests for the use of facilities will be accepted by phone, email or web form, in person, or in writing. The office preference is a web form or an email submission for historical tracking.
The Classroom Scheduling office suggests requests for the use of facilities to be submitted 10 days in advance, but no less than one week prior to the intended use. This is especially important when weekend use is required.
Classroom Scheduling will begin ad hoc special event scheduling the day after the schedule of courses are loaded to MyUI as a general rule of operation. Some exceptions may be in place. Please contact the office with submission date questions. See the Right to Recall Policy for further details.
Midterm examinations
Midterm examination classroom request information can be found on the Registrar’s Office web site. Please submit paper work by the posted date to allow for midterm scheduling and posting to MAUI and MyUI in time for early registration. Classroom Scheduling will continue to schedule midterm examination requests beyond the date suggested on the web site. Please review the University of Iowa Policy on Course Exam Schedule Conflicts.
Special events
Requestors must complete the following online form to reserve a university classroom for a primary use activity. Classroom Scheduling will review the form and will respond in a timely manner. During peak request times, (the first two or three weeks of the Fall and Spring semesters), we ask that you understand there may be a delay in processing your reservation. Events are processed on a first-come, first-served basis with careful consideration to event date and time sensitivity.
When submitting your request, please keep in mind that Facilities Management Access Services & UI Energy Control Center requires a 48-hour (two business day) notice in order to reprogram electronic building entrances(s) and University Classroom(s) locks and to ensure proper climate control.
If more than four event dates are required, please email a detailed request to We ask that you do not duplicate your request by filling out an online form and submitting an email.
Friday Evening Reservation Procedures
Friday evening reservations will be processed for buildings which are normally open. In the case of recognized student organization events, operation within normal building hours is required unless such situation arises where a special facility is needed. Arrangements for building unlocks will be coordinated between Classroom Scheduling, Facilities Management, and/or Department of Public Safety, for the student or departmental groups, if approved by Classroom Scheduling.
Saturday / Sunday Reservation Procedures
Reservations will be processed for buildings which are normally open:
- For small groups, University-related activities without charge, if no admission or solicitation, etc. is collected.
- For large group activities (usually public admission in a room seating 100+), a custodian will be required and a charge assessed to cover hours of overtime posted as custodial fees. Coordination with Classroom Scheduling will be required by the user in the form of an MFK. Classroom Scheduling will arrange custodial services with Facilities Management Work Control Center while processing the room reservation.
Custodial charges are assessed for room use in facilities seating 100+ or in the case where 4 or more small classrooms are scheduled for use on the same date. This ensures servicing to the classroom, hallways, and nearby restroom facilities for Monday morning lectures. Schedule of course activities are exempt from the policy (such as review sessions, mandatory film screenings, or examinations).
Classroom Scheduling reserves the right to “back charge” any user if the room is left in an unsatisfactory condition. This is added as a surcharge to any previously quoted custodial fees or as a basic fee if room was scheduled initially at no charge. For buildings that are not open, requests should be shifted to a facility with open building hours. If this is not an acceptable arrangement to the user, Classroom Scheduling reserves the right to deny reservation request. University official building hours are kept on file by Facilities Management Work Control Center, 319-335-5071.
See Costs Resulting From Use regarding reservations secured in Macbride Auditorium.
Final exams take priority in University Classrooms during final exam week. A 30 minute pass-time is required before and after each exam.
Classroom scheduling will begin accepting final exam week reservation requests after the official publication of the final exam schedule in the given semester. Events should be limited to standard classroom uses such as for department meetings, course related activities, and other uses within the institution.
Classroom users should be considerate of their noise levels to not disrupt others that may be nearby taking or prepping for exams. Activities in the classrooms should not compromise the technology or condition of the classroom in a way that could delay the start of the following exam.
Student organization meetings are not accepted during final exam week. All standard room policies apply.
Student Organization Events
Please see Student Organization Events page.
Use of TILE Classrooms
TILE classrooms can be used for semester-long course assignments as well as special events.
University of Iowa instructors, administrators, staff, and event facilitators who have completed training to become TILE enabled are permitted to request a TILE classroom. TILE-Lite classrooms do not require TILE training.
Please note that students and student organizations are not permitted to reserve TILE classrooms. This policy includes graduate students unless the graduate student is teaching a class section for credit and the use of the TILE classroom is for their class.
Information on how to become TILE enabled is found on the Center for Teaching website.
Information on how to become TILE enabled is found on the Center for Teaching website.
In order to teach or hold an event in a TILE classroom, users must complete a consultation with experts from both the Center for Teaching and from Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology Learning Spaces Technology.
To begin the process, contact the Center for Teaching.
Visit the Reservations page for information on how to reserve a TILE classroom.
TILE classrooms may be used for final examinations. However, special events are not permitted in TILE classrooms during the final exam weeks of the fall and spring semesters.